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Hormone yoga
The online studio is set up for those wishing to practice Hormone Yoga more regularly / at home!
There are instruction and demo videos for those who are brand new to Hormone Yoga.
There are currently 14 x Hormone Yoga classes available ranging from 40 - 75 mins.
There's also 5 x Yin classes, 1 x Vinyasa class and 1 x Kundalini Yoga class.
Oh - and a few short, 5 minute breath work sessions!
Contraindications to Hormone Yoga:
You should NOT practice Hormone Yoga if ...
If you have any conditions where your Estrogen levels should NOT be elevated:
In the case of Estrogen sensitive breast cancer, or any hormone dependant cancer.
If you have Severe Endometriosis / Fibroids. Or inflammation in the abdominal cavity.
If you are pregnant.
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