My Story ...
It all started with YOGA!
I've had a pretty committed practice since January 2012.
Predominantly Bikram ... Then I added a dash of Yin ...
aaaand a slice of Vinyasa / Flow ...
But 'KUNDALINI' just. kept. appearing. EVERYWHERE!
It was in books I was reading, it was on podcasts I was listening to.
Celebs I followed were practicing it and I was curious!
I made a few attempts to find a studio near me so I could try it ...
Then just like that ... A teacher appeared at my local yoga studio
and started a regular class! Ehhhh ... Thanks Universe!
I think it was my 3rd or 4th Kundalini class: I was doing 'cat cow' posture with a bit of dynamic breathing ... When all of a sudden, I felt what can only be described as 'a band of energy' right across my face above my top lip.
'What is this sorcery!?' I thought!
And the experiences just kept coming ...
And they've all been amazing.
I'd say my life path has really been about following the breadcrumbs.
What makes me happy? Do that! What keeps me centred? Do that!
What helps me when I feel down, anxious, frustrated or agitated? Do that!
What do I know improves my mood!? Do that!!
I feel very grateful to have followed the nudges & listened to the pings
and I've now developed a pretty substantial toolkit which helps me deal with all that life throws at me!
To quote my good friend Claire - Life is A LOT - And I think we need as much as possible in our arsenal of coping mechanisms!
For me: Practicing Yoga, Meditation, Breath Work, Sound Healing, Cold Exposure, Music, Movement and Energy Healing have all helped me immensely at various points in my life ...
And that's why I'm passionate about sharing some of these things with you!
When I decided to complete a Yoga Teacher Training to deepen my practice, I knew it had to be Kundalini. Despite having practiced it the least, it had provided me with profound insights, comfort, clarity, calm ... and was accelerating positive change and transformation in my life.
I spent months in Lockdown training with one of the wisest, kindest, coolest and most inspiring men in the biz: Guru Singh. His collaboration with Uplifted Yoga's Brett Larkin awarded me a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training certificate in early 2021.
Further study amounting to around 300hrs with RA MA Yoga Institute of Applied Yogic Science & Technology in LA came in the form of five, week long / intensive / immersive trainings, left me in no doubt these are the Yoga teachings I want to share.
50hr Yin training with Jamie Strathairn, founder of Yoga 8 in Melbourne followed soon after. Not only is Jamie is a fantastic and dedicated teacher, he is a lifelong scholar, immersed in yoga, anatomy, wisdom and philosophy.
I completed my Reiki L1 in Melbourne, with my Kundalini Yoga teacher Abbey Fox AND Reiki L2 in Glasgow with the lovely Lorna McLean.
Sound Healing has always been such a unique and deeply healing experience for me - It may be the years of exposure to yoga, meditation & reiki, but I just seem to go on a journey every time I'm immersed in sound this way!
As someone who grew up playing a different instrument every year (sorry mum!) It just felt like; well of course I'm going to train in this modality!
Especially as it pairs so well with Yoga and Reiki.
My training with The Sound Healing Academy has been invaluable, in-depth and extensive! <-500 hours! My Double Diploma qualifies me as an Integral Sound Healing Therapist and enables me to work both One-to-One with clients & with Groups!
I never ever felt like I knew what I wanted to do with my life.
And obviously I have no idea where it'll end up!
What I do know though is that, I finally feel like I'm on the right path ...
Albeit most likely at the very very beginning!
So for now, I'll just keep following the breadcrumbs!
Lynne x