Sometimes visible ... Sometimes invisible ... It can be heard, felt, seen and even 'sensed'!
It's inside of us, it's outside of us and it's all around us.
There's been a fairly recent global shift towards harnessing the planets natural energy systems.
Utilising the power of the wind, water, the sun and natural thermal activity for the production of energy.
And it occurred to me as I was writing; we are being asked to do the same on an individual level!
To harness our own energy. To work with our personal power. And not to look to sources outside ourselves or give our power away.
Your electromagnetic field / your biofield / your aura - This invisible space, extends out from your physical body, anywhere from 3 - 9ft.
This field is like a protective shield; repelling unwanted / negative things and attracting or magnetising that which is positive and beneficial.
It is also believed that we 'carry' energies in our biofield - The aura sends, receives and stores information: 'Good' and 'Bad'.
Have you ever entered a room and something just felt 'off'? Or maybe someone felt 'off' ? You're picking up on energy.
Have you ever had the feeling that someone was staring at you, only to turn around and see that they are? Again - it's energetic.
Maybe you've encountered that person with the magnetic personality! We sometimes call this charisma! But at its essence; it's energy!
Your ability to pick up on subtle energy is innate and it's always with you.
Yoga, Sound Healing & Reiki all pertain to some form of 'energy work'.
Whether you're transforming your energy through movement & breath,
relaxing while you receive Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy).
Or bathing in beautiful sound & frequency - You are transforming your energy!
What I especially love is; although each is a stand alone modality ... They all work beautifully together!
Receiving Reiki after Sound Healing is like getting an extra added boost!
Receiving Sound Healing as you're lying in savasana after yoga class is simply divine!
Benefits of Reiki are similar to Sound Healing and can include: Improved sleep, reduction in stress or anxiety levels.
You may feel calmer, have more clarity or insights, you may even notice a change in habits or thought patterns as stuck energy is moved.
As always, if you have any questions; please don't hesitate to contact me!
If you want to find the secrets of the universe; think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola Tesla